CHIATE Chia Te Taiwan Pineapple Cake Pineapple Pastry (20 pcs/Box) 佳德鳳梨酥 (20個/盒)

Chia Te

Regular price $49.99

Chia Te Pineapple Cake Pineapple Pastry (12 pcs/Box) 佳德鳳梨酥 (12個/盒)

Flavor:     Traditional Sweet Pineapple (100% Natural Ingredients.  Pineapple mixed with Candied Wintermelon)

 Pack Size:  Each Box Carton contains 12 Individual wrapped cakes in freshness seal.      

Best Before Date: Always Fresh! (We get the freshest available cakes directly from the source upon your order) 

1 BOX = 20 pcs
2 BOXES = 40 pcs
3 BOXES = 60 pcs
5 BOXES = 100 pcs
10 BOXES = 200 pcs

Awards of ChiaTe's Pineapple Cake

2006 - ChiaTe's original flavor pineapple cake wins Golden Champion award at the First Taipei Pineapple Cake Festival. 

2007 - ChiaTe's creative pineapple cake wins the Golden Champion award at the Second Taipei Pineapple Cake Festival.  

2007 - ChiaTe's product wins the silver award at the First Taipei Pineapple Cake Professionals Competition.

2008 - ChiaTe's cranberry pineapple cake is selected one of “Taipei’s Top Ten Gifts” -- a must for tourists.  

2008 - ChiaTe's original flavor pineapple cake is selected among Taiwan’s top-100 specialties and honored with the “most popular product” award.

2010 - Chia Te products win the “Taiwan Fine Food as Gift” award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

2010 - Chia Te products win the Second “Taiwan’s Top-100 Specialties Certificate.”

2010 - Taipei City Government awards Chia Te with the honor of “Taipei Best Gift Shop.”

2012 - Chia Te products win the Third “Taiwan’s Top-100 Specialties Certificate.”